Why should you choose us?

We always put our customers first!

We’re here to ease your pain from the loss of a loved one, take over once you leave for a move, or help you downsize. We’re a reliable company you can count on from start to finish.

We offer a unique opportunity to consign your largest valued items to our long list of preferred auction houses. Each one is unique in what they specialize in, and we study the markets closely. Auction sales provide an opportunity for worldwide exposure and the possibility of “run-away” results. We are delivering trailer loads of antiquities for our clients about every 2 weeks. Due to the volume of business we do, this benefits you greatly.

We also carry a $4 million dollar liability insurance policy to protect your family’s largest asset. Be sure to ask every Estate company you interview if they’re insured. One slip could cost you dearly.

one day son all this will be yours

We hope this makes you smile! If this situation ever happens to you, just breathe and call us! We organize estates like these every day. 🙂

Let our team assist you in making “A Clean Getaway” and stress-free transition into your next adventure!

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